Guest speakers

Arjuna Tuzzi 

Arjuna Tuzzi is Full Professor of Statistics for the Social Sciences at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) -  University of Padua (Italy) and has a Ph.D. in Applied Statistics for Economics and Social Sciences. Her main research interests concern: statistical analysis of textual data, data collecting tools for social survey, statistical methods in evaluation, and political-institutional communication. She is a founding member of GIAT – Interdisciplinary Text Analysis Group. For two offices (2014-2018) she has been the President of IQLA – International Quantitative Linguistics Association.

Karl M. van Meter

Karl M. van Meter is a Franco-American citizen with four university degrees from the United States, Great Britain and France, ranging from French literature and sociology to pure mathematics. He has helped to create and lead the "Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique / Bulletin of Sociological Methodology" (BMS) for 34 years.


"Analyse statistique des données textuelles - JADT 1998-2018"


Using the abstracts, rather in English, of the "JADT Proceedings" from 1998 (Nice) to 2018 (Rome), we will make a co-occurrence analysis of key words to build upward classifications of thematic clusters and to place them on two-dimensional diagrams, centrality ("out-ties") by density ("in-ties"), using the software Calliope (formerly Leximappe-Lexinet)

James W. Pennebaker

James W. Pennebaker is an American social psychologist. He is the Centennial Liberal Arts Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers. His research focuses on the relationship between natural language use, health, and social behavior, most recently "how everyday language reflects basic social and personality processes".

In the mid-1990s, he and colleagues developed the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; pronounced "Luke"), a computerized text analysis program that outputs the percentage of words in a given text that fall into one or more of over 80 linguistic (e.g., first-person singular pronouns, conjunctions), psychological (e.g., anger, achievement), and topical (e.g., leisure, money) categories.  Pennebaker and associates have used this tool to analyze the language of Al Qaeda leaders and of political candidates, particularly in the 2008 United States presidential election.

Tribute to Jean-Paul Benzécri (1932-2019)

A conference will be devoted to a tribute to Jean-Paul Benzécri who left us this year.

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