Given the current situation, the JADTs are postponed to a later date.
The International Conference of Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT) have brought together, every two years since 1990, 150 to 200 researchers working in the various fields concerned with automatic processing and statistics of textual data. They allow participants to present their results, to compare their tools, to exchange on their practical and methodological experiences.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the event, the 15th edition of the JADT will be held in Toulouse from 16 to 19 June 2020.
The Laboratoire d'Etudes et Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales (Lerass) will have the pleasure of welcoming specialists in text mining: statisticians, linguists, computer scientists, discourse analysts, sociologists, historians working on digital archives...
The conference will focus on the applications of statistical models and tools in the following areas:
Textometry, Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
Exploratory Textual Data Analysis
Corpus and Quantitative linguistics
Automatic natural language processing
Annotation, lemmatization, linguistic enrichment
Statistical analysis of structured and unstructured data